2024 HERC Wrap Up

Dec 5, 2024

Dear Friends and Supporters, With the year wrapping up, we are currently underway with planning for our spring, summer, and fall 2025 programs to continue our important mission. As always, we invite individuals who have ideas for meaningful plans to reach out to us if they would like to help us develop and promote new programs. We continue to collaborate with partners to explore possible shared offerings that align with our mission and enrich our communities.

I would like to thank our Board of Directors for their work all year as we accomplish major milestones in Holocaust education. Also, we would like to thank our volunteers for all their continued work as our special helpers. For example, we really appreciate Julie and Michael McBride, who always give their time. Most of all, we look forward to the support of the many that attended the Remembrance Dinner. You can view all the photos online at the link below:

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According to Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

This past year, the first trip with ten Principals from Leon County Schools to Washington, DC proved a success. We will soon announce the second group that will visit D.C. museums and hear a Holocaust survivor in June. Comments from Kim McFarland, at Roberts Elementary School, “From the moment I entered the Holocaust Museum I was emotionally attached to the historical images and data that was so clearly depicted at every turn. I just kept asking myself why, why would a society of people target a group of people and deem them as less worthy than themselves? What would make them think that they were more superior? I couldn’t shake the images from my mind. The books we were asked to read to prepare for the trip also gave me insight into the different cultures that were affected and the lineages of people that were terminated. Through those personal narratives I could feel the hurt, torture and devastation had by so many people during the Holocaust and after. I just pray that we never forget, never forget and never stop sharing the story of the Holocaust with anyone who will listen. We have to learn from history and it can’t be watered down, we need to see what happened and hear from those voices who were part of that experience or whose families were touched by the horrific event in history. Thank you, HERC, for allowing me the opportunity to see history come to life. This experience changed me, and gave me a new perspective. Never Again Begins with Me!”

We wish you a peaceful end to 2024 and a happy new year.

Thank you for your support and for being a part of this vital work.

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